
Showing posts from June, 2023

143VINYL Lays Off / Fires Employees

 Like clockwork Mike White has let go of several employees AGAIN.  If I'm not mistaken, in late 2020 when Troy and Tammy walked away from it all there were around 140 employees, three companies ( 143vinyl , StarCraft , and Bright Star ), and 4 warehouses that were almost 100,000 sq feet total.  The last I heard Mike had shut down two warehouses and only had like 20 or 25 employees left and was rapidly on a downward spiral.  Today I heard that he fired or laid off another round including some people that have been there a long time.  I think one person had like 5-6 years and I know when I was there she was one of if not the most dependable employee we had.   This is par for the course for this yahoo.  I swear I have PTSD after the way he treated me and other employees.  Personally I can't wait for the place to shut down.  The other post I wrote explains the whole fiasco that went down and why Troy and Tammy left.